Seller Information


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VanDerBrink Auctions works with their Sellers to sometimes make the auction an event and more than just an auction. Hog Roasts, Car shows, and more have been used at past auctions. This makes the auction exciting and can also bring in bidders. This will give bidders time to look at the cars and items before the auction. We also work with previews of items and scheduled hours. The line-up will be discussed with seller.

I prefer to sell in a mixed line-up to keep things exciting. VanDerBrink Auctions will discuss the line-up with the Seller. Tents, Decorations, Hall Rentals are also used with our auction. This will be discussed with the Seller has to the effectiveness and the costs pertained.

VanDerBrink Auctions promotes all our auctions Nationally and Locally through various types of Medias. Print, ON-Line, Radio, TV, are just some of the outlets we use to promote your auction. We also research other Medias and see if they will work for your auction. VanDerBrink Auctions utilizes national and local magazines, newspapers, and have gained many contacts in the collector Car Hobby.

VanDerBrinkAuctions also goes to local and national shows and hands out flyers and works to promote our auctions. VanDerBrink Auctions provides press releases to the media, stories about the auction, seller, and work to get your auction as the “story of the day”. We personally contact and provide the media with a press release pertaining to your auction. the more people know about your auction, the more successful it will be.

VanDerBrink Auctions, LLC also has a E-New Letter with Approx. 3000 people that receive updates, newsletters, pictures, and more FREE about your auction.

Word of Mouth is a great thing, and we have found that word travels fast from our E-Newsletter. We also utilize stuffing the Nordstrom’s auto Recyclers of Garretson, SD billing and shipping packages. This reaches all across the US and abroad. VanDerBrink Auctions also uses many websites to advertise your auction. We also have radio addresses that are done weekly.

From Hemmings to your local paper and TV we want to make sure that your auction is properly advertised!

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